Tumblr blogs about ( tori )
Multifandom Showdown
I write cool stories that you enjoy! Ships are currently closed! Requests are currently open! Riverdale, Supernatural, Teen Wolf, Doctor Who, The Maze Runner, The 100, Harry Potter, Marvel, DC comics, Shawn Mendes, etc. Tori's Feather
ENGLISH - Hey everyone, I’m Tori and this side-blog is dedicated to my writing projects! I reblog things that have to do with writing, books, fanfiction, literature, and generally things that inspire me. May also give hints about my next chapters! FRANCAIS - Salut, c'est Tori, et ça c'est mon blog dédié à l'écriture! Je reblog tout ce qui a à voir avec l'écriture, les livres, les fanfictions, la littérature et tout ce qui m'inspire. Vous pourriez aussi tomber sur des indices au sujet de mes prochains chapitres!