Awesome Activism
Hi I’m E, nonbinary, queer person. They/them pronouns. I post things all about feminism, LGBT+, disabilities, atheism, mental health, Service Dogs and fandoms. Ehlers Danlos type 3, POTS(Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome), and am also a part time wheelchair user and full time mobility aid user. I also have chronic depression, social and general anxiety, PTSD, EDNOS, and sensory processing disorder. Tori's Feather
ENGLISH - Hey everyone, I’m Tori and this side-blog is dedicated to my writing projects! I reblog things that have to do with writing, books, fanfiction, literature, and generally things that inspire me. May also give hints about my next chapters! FRANCAIS - Salut, c'est Tori, et ça c'est mon blog dédié à l'écriture! Je reblog tout ce qui a à voir avec l'écriture, les livres, les fanfictions, la littérature et tout ce qui m'inspire. Vous pourriez aussi tomber sur des indices au sujet de mes prochains chapitres!