Link #apples to ashes #original character #original story #ascian sketches #ascian boulregard #also how the fuck do flowers work #i cantdraw themdsahkdakkill me pls #ive been trying to go back to traditional for a bit #also tried a different style #but since when have i ever had a consistent style #gross sobbing #one day
Link #apples to ashes #original story #original character #ascian sketches #archer just #kaito nadir #ascian boulregard #christina boulregard #abel daad #lykos von der nacht #ceneri estiva #hi long time no apples to ashes #i missed my kids dsakdhsa #beautiful fantastic fuckin superb u funky little students #i havent given up on this story i swear #its justi like to world build #a lot dhsakudha #please please please feel free to ask questions