#im fucko #nails did #pangpang #loonatv #too pure #ayee nice #distrutta #sugartana #jenn-you #harvest
Link #doomsday month #bloody doomsday #weve all heard every variation on #how ironic that a time lord ran out of time #right #ten x rose #doctor who #otp of otps
Link #doomsday month #bloody doomsday #this is entirely too sad #i cant allow it #fluff needed #ten x rose #doctor who #otp of otps
Link #doomsday month #bloody doomsday #the look on his face is so so sad #hes just broken #ten x rose #doctor who #otp of otps
Link #doomsday month #bloody doomsday #my heart is breaking too #ten x rose #doctor who #otp of otps
Link #juxtaposing these two scenes is just mean #doomsday month #bloody doomsday #doctor who #c queue
Link #doomsday month #bloody doomsday #something different for a change #a playlist #ten x rose #doctor who #otp of otps
Link #doomsday month #bloody doomsday #feels #ten x rose #doctor who #otp of otps
Link #doomsday month #bloody doomsday #ten x rose doctor who
Link #doomday month #bloody doomsday #rose tyler #doctor who #that line always makes me so sad #because hes just broken #and donna is angry enough to not realise at first #but the look on his eyes when she fires back her retort #shows her what he meant #and ugh the look in his eyes