Link #yoooo this is incredible #(don't forget to go let the artist know you dig it too k) #((and also go full view it over on deviantart because damn) #feferi #eridan #pretentious douchegills #gamzee #clown trash #equius #stupid sexy zahhaks #vriska #(vriska) #fucking serkets #terezi #justice sharks #kanaya #queer vampire aliens #nepeta #i am the cat who walks by herself #sollux #lispy assholes who care too much #tavros #fairy trolls #aradia #mistresses of time #karkat #i need a vantas tag #homestuck #post scratch trolls
Link #adorable #gif warning #disciple #psiioniic #dolorosa #signless #grand highblood #condesce #homestuck #signless clade #mother and child #ghbsign #(heee) #i am the cat who walks by herself #lispy assholes who care too much #queer vampire aliens #i need a vantas tag #clown trash #pretentious douchegills