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cma-medieval-art:Book of Hours (Use of Rouen): fol. 36v, Master...
cma-medieval-art:Miniatures from a Manuscript of the...
cma-medieval-art:Initial E from a Municipal Law Book: The Last...
cma-medieval-art:Three Cuttings from a Missal: Initial L with...
cma-medieval-art:Hours of Queen Isabella the Catholic, Queen...
cma-medieval-art:Partisan, c. 1550-1600, Cleveland Museum of...
cma-medieval-art:Close Helmet in Maximilian Style, c. 1520,...
cma-medieval-art:Leaf from a Book of Hours: The Visitation,...
cma-medieval-art:Book of Hours (Use of Utrecht), Master of...
cma-medieval-art:Printed Book of Hours (Use of Rome): fol....
cma-medieval-art:Leaf from Jehan de Courcy’s “Chronique...
cma-medieval-art:Historiated Initial Excised from a Bible: St....
cma-medieval-art:Single Leaf from an Antiphonary: Initial...
cma-medieval-art:Printed Book of Hours (Use of Rome): fol....
cma-medieval-art:Buckle with Embossed Head in Profile, 400,...
cma-medieval-art:Leaf Excised from a Psalter: The...
cma-medieval-art:Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre...
cma-medieval-art:Missale: Fol. 184: Foliage, Bartolommeo...
cma-medieval-art:Gospel Book with Commentaries, c. 1000-1100,...
cma-medieval-art:Leaf Excised from Henry of Segusio’s “Summa...
cma-medieval-art:Single Leaf: Table of Consanguinity, c. 1200,...
cma-medieval-art:Hand-and-a-Half Sword, c. 1550, Cleveland...
cma-medieval-art:Reliquary in Purse Form, c. 1320, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis preciou
cma-medieval-art:Earring (one of a pair), 600, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 1
cma-medieval-art:Noble (obverse), 1351, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtMedium: goldcle
cma-medieval-art:Noble (obverse), 1351, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtMedium: goldcle
cma-medieval-art:Ivory Pyx (Box), 500s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtElaborately carved from
cma-medieval-art:Albarello with Two Rabbits, 1300s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis albare
cma-medieval-art:Book of Hours (Use of Rouen): fol. 2v, Master of the Geneva Latini, c. 1470, Clevel
cma-medieval-art:Stained Glass Panel with Aconite Leaves, c. 1275-1300, Cleveland Museum of Art: Med
cma-medieval-art:Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425), fol. 290r, St. Francis, Ma
cma-medieval-art:Belt Buckle, c. 525-560, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe art of the Europe
cma-medieval-art:Almond-Shaped Pendant, 400-600, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall:
cma-medieval-art:Rapier, c. 1630-1650, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe rapier was a sword w
cma-medieval-art:Pendant with the Virgin and Child, Godefroid de Huy, c. 1160-1170, Cleveland Museum
cma-medieval-art:Hours of Queen Isabella the Catholic, Queen of Spain: Fol. 167v, St. Michael, Mast
cma-medieval-art:Armor for Man and Horse with Völs-Colonna Arms, c. 1575, Cleveland Museum of A
cma-medieval-art: Falchion, blade: 1700s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 78.7 c
cma-medieval-art: Transenna Panel with a Cross, 700s-800s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize
cma-medieval-art: Breastplate, mid 1500s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 39.4 x
cma-medieval-art: Bust called Anne de Bretagne, c. 1500, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize:
cma-medieval-art: Falchion, blade: 1700s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 78.7 c
cma-medieval-art: The “Spitzer Cross”, Master of the Royal Plantagenet Workshop, c. 1190, Cleveland
cma-medieval-art: Left-Handed Dagger or “Main Gauche”, c. 1650, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Ar
cma-medieval-art: Chain with Pendant and Two Crosses, early 500s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval
cma-medieval-art: Schiavona Broadsword, 1700s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 1
cma-medieval-art: Knife, 1500s - 1800s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 28.7 cm
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from a Book of Hours: Annunciation to the Shepherds (recto), Boethius Illumin
cma-medieval-art: Cross, c. 1280-1300, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis cross consists of r
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from an Antiphonary: Initial H with the Nativity (recto), c. 1480, Cleveland
cma-medieval-art: Earring, 400s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 3.5 x 3.6 x 1.1
cma-medieval-art: Table Fountain, c. 1320-1340, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtConceptually an
cma-medieval-art: Icon of the Mother of God and Infant Christ (Virgin Eleousa), Angelos Akotantos, c
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from a Psalter with Full Border with Medallions (Annunciation, SS. Jerome, Cl
cma-medieval-art: Smallsword, c. 1730, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtDuring the 1700s, the sm
cma-medieval-art: Wild Man, c. 1450, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 13.4 cm (5
cma-medieval-art: Ornamental Brooch, c. 100-300, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThese brooches
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425), fol. 286v, St. Marcel, Ma
cma-medieval-art: Single-Edged Knife (Scramasax), 600s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe scr
cma-medieval-art: Miniature from a Compendium of Saints’ Lives: Saint Catherine of Alexandria Disput
cma-medieval-art: The Gotha Missal: Fol. 13v, Text, Master of the Boqueteaux, c. 1375, Cleveland Mus
cma-medieval-art: Book of Hours (Use of Utrecht), Master of Gijsbrecht van Brederode, c. 1460-1465,
cma-medieval-art: Plaque: The Journey to Bethlehem, c. 1100-1120, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval
cma-medieval-art: Gradual, Girolamo dai Libri, c. 1520, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: C
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Queen Isabella the Catholic, Queen of Spain: Fol. 189v, St. Catherine, Ma
cma-medieval-art: The Gotha Missal: Fol. 110r, The Annunciation, Master of the Boqueteaux, c. 1375,
cma-medieval-art: Ring, probably 1800s-1900s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Diameter: 1
cma-medieval-art: Title Page of Abbot Berno’s “Tonarius:” Initial D[omino], c.1030, Cleveland Museum
cma-medieval-art: Virgin and Child under a Canopy, 1520s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSchol
cma-medieval-art: Corsèque, c. 1520, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 269.2 cm (1
cma-medieval-art: Nomisma with Constantine IX Monomachus (obverse), 1042-1055, Cleveland Museum of A
cma-medieval-art: Bust called Anne de Bretagne, c. 1500, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize:
cma-medieval-art: Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, Mätthaus Kreniss, c. 1515, Cleveland Museum of Art: Me
cma-medieval-art: Hunting Sword, c. 1760-1770, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 6
cma-medieval-art: Small Sword, c.1650-1660, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 95.3
cma-medieval-art: Mirror Case with a Couple Playing Chess, 1325-1350, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medie
cma-medieval-art: Stained Glass Panel with Aconite Leaves, c. 1275-1300, Cleveland Museum of Art: Me
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from a Book of Hours: Initial D: Massacre of the Innocents (1 of 2 Excised Le
cma-medieval-art: Panel from a Casket with Scenes from Courtly Romances, c. 1330-1350 or later, Clev
cma-medieval-art: Vesperbild (Pietà), Master of Rabenden, c. 1515-1520, Cleveland Museum of Art: Med
cma-medieval-art: Black and White Elbow Gauntlet for the Right Hand, c.1570, Cleveland Museum of Art
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from a Book of Hours: Annunciation, Nativity and Two Prophets, Master of Ricc
cma-medieval-art: Panel, 1500s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 41.6 x 51.1 cm (
cma-medieval-art: Solidus of Constans II and Constantine IV, 659-661, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medie
cma-medieval-art: Head of a Mourner, 1400s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 10.8
cma-medieval-art: The “Spitzer Cross”, Master of the Royal Plantagenet Workshop, c. 1190, Cleveland
cma-medieval-art: Pair of Flintlock Pistols, early 1700s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe e
cma-medieval-art: Hand-and-a-Half Sword, c. 1500, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall
cma-medieval-art: Chalice from the Beth Misona Treasure, c. 500-700, Cleveland Museum of Art: Mediev
cma-medieval-art: Virgin Nursing the Christ Child, c. 1380, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe
cma-medieval-art: Seal of Doge Michele Steno (reverse), 1400-1409, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval
cma-medieval-art: Gothic Breastplate, late 1400s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis elegantl
cma-medieval-art: Panel from a Triptych: The Archangel Michael, Filippo Lippi, 1458, Cleveland Museu
cma-medieval-art: Miniature from a Manuscript of the Apocalypse: The Fall of Babylon, c. 1295, Cleve
cma-medieval-art: Parade Sword, c. 1500-1525, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 10
cma-medieval-art: Hunting Sword, c. 1760-1770, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 6
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from the Hours of Duke Louis of Savoy: Saints Nereus and Achilleus, mid-15th
cma-medieval-art: Quatrilobed Plaque, Guillaume Julien, c. 1300-1310, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medie
cma-medieval-art: Falchion, blade: 1700s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 78.7 c
cma-medieval-art: Chalice and Paten, c. 1450-1480, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe chalice
cma-medieval-art: Ring, 1300s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtTradition holds that this ring w
cma-medieval-art: Hunting Sword, Clemens Willems, c. 1630, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from a Christian Homily, 500s-600s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize
cma-medieval-art: Pendant with the Virgin and Child, Godefroid de Huy, c. 1160-1170, Cleveland Museu
cma-medieval-art: Crossbow, early 1600s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 63.5 cm
cma-medieval-art: Triptych: The Life of the Virgin, c. 1325-1350, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval
cma-medieval-art: Vesperbild (Pietà), Master of Grosslobming, c. 1420, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medi
cma-medieval-art: Bishop’s Mantle (Cape), c. 1520-1530, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtChain m
cma-medieval-art: Crossbow Bolt, 1500s-1600s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 37
cma-medieval-art: Angel (reverse), 1483-1485, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtMedium: goldhttps
cma-medieval-art: Blood Reliquary, 1500s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 35.6 c
cma-medieval-art: Basket-Hilt Broadsword (“Mortuary Sword”), hilt: c. 1640-1650; blade: 18th Century
cma-medieval-art: Cross, c. 1280-1300, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis cross consists of r
cma-medieval-art: Miniature from a Manuscript of the Apocalypse: The Woman Clothed with the Sun and
cma-medieval-art: Book of Hours (Use of Rouen): fol. 149r, Master of the Geneva Latini, c. 1470, Cle
cma-medieval-art: The Gotha Missal: Fol. 77v, Text, Master of the Boqueteaux, c. 1375, Cleveland Mus
cma-medieval-art: Casket, late 1300s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis casket is one of onl
cma-medieval-art: Two-Handed Sword with Flamboyant Blade, 1550-1600, Cleveland Museum of Art: Mediev
cma-medieval-art: Comb, 1400s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis luxury object is masterfull
cma-medieval-art: Dagger, late 1600s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe carved grip of this d
cma-medieval-art: Vesperbild (Pietà), Master of Rabenden, c. 1515-1520, Cleveland Museum of Art: Med
cma-medieval-art: Armor for Man and Horse with Völs-Colonna Arms, c. 1575, Cleveland Museum of Art:
cma-medieval-art: Arm Reliquary of the Apostles, c. 1190, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtTakin
cma-medieval-art: Almond-Shaped Pendant, 400-600, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall
cma-medieval-art: Pellet Crossbow for a Child, c. 1600-1650, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtTh
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from a Book of Hours: Decorated Initial D[eus] with Foliated Border (Opening
cma-medieval-art: Breastplate (with lance rest and fauld/ Nuremberg), c.1510-1530, Cleveland Museum
cma-medieval-art: Relic of St. Gertrude, c. 1045, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtMedium: Plain
cma-medieval-art: Virgin and Child with a Bird, c. 1350, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe Vi
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425): fol. 7v, July, Master of
cma-medieval-art: Fol. 1r, Genesis, with a full-length historiated initial I, showing the Creation a
cma-medieval-art: Small Sword, c.1650-1660, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 95.3
cma-medieval-art: Albarello with Pseudo-Kufic Letters, 1300s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtT
cma-medieval-art: Mounted Rock Crystal, 500s-600s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtWhen this ob
cma-medieval-art: Miniature from a Manuscript of the Apocalypse: The Fall of Babylon, c. 1295, Cleve
cma-medieval-art: Plaque: Simon and Thaddaeus, c. 1160, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtIt is l
cma-medieval-art: Close Helmet in Maximilian Style, c. 1520, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSi
cma-medieval-art: Abbot’s Stall, c. 1500-1515, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis elaborate c
cma-medieval-art: Sovereign (reverse), 1504-1509, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtMedium: goldh
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425): fol. 260v, St. John the B
cma-medieval-art: Chalice from the Beth Misona Treasure, c. 500-700, Cleveland Museum of Art: Mediev
cma-medieval-art: Nomisma with Nicephorus II Phocas, c. 963-969, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval A
cma-medieval-art: Buffe (etched with bands of trophies), c. 1550 - 1600, Cleveland Museum of Art: Me
cma-medieval-art: Virgin and Child, c. 1385-1390, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe vibrant n
cma-medieval-art: Parrying Dagger, c. 1580-1610, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe perforatio
cma-medieval-art: Triple-Crested Burgonet, c. 1560-1570, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize:
cma-medieval-art: Filigree Disk Brooch with Central Boss, late 600s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Mediev
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425), fol. 302v, St. Opportune,
cma-medieval-art: Seal of Doge Michele Steno, 1400-1409, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis o
cma-medieval-art: Crossbow Bolt, 1500s-1600s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Average: 37
cma-medieval-art: Brooch in the Form of a Six-Pointed Star, late 700s-early 800s, Cleveland Museum o
cma-medieval-art: Ryal (reverse), 1583-1584/85, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtMedium: goldhtt
cma-medieval-art: Five Guineas [pattern] (obverse), Richard Yeo, 1777, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medi
cma-medieval-art: The “Spitzer Cross”, Master of the Royal Plantagenet Workshop, c. 1190, Cleveland
cma-medieval-art: Chain with Pendant and Two Crosses, early 500s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval
cma-medieval-art: Mourner from the Tomb of Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy (1364-1404), Claus de W
cma-medieval-art: Architectural Canopy, c. 1450-1475, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtPart of a
cma-medieval-art: Diptych with Scenes from the Life of Christ (left wing: Raising of Lazarus and Cru
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Queen Isabella the Catholic, Queen of Spain: Fol. 155v, Master of the Fir
cma-medieval-art: Relatio on St. Elizabeth of Portugal, c. 1625, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval A
cma-medieval-art: Pillow Sword, c. 1650, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 93 cm (
cma-medieval-art: Partisan, c. 1650, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Blade: 33 cm (13 in.
cma-medieval-art: Leaf Excised from a Psalter: Massacre of the Innocents, c. 1260, Cleveland Museum
cma-medieval-art: Book of Hours (Use of Rouen): fol. 124v, Master of the Geneva Latini, c. 1470, Cle
cma-medieval-art: Christ before Pilate: Leaf from a Book of Hours (2 of 6 Excised Leaves), Henri d'O
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Queen Isabella the Catholic, Queen of Spain: Fol. 117r, Master of the Fir
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425): fol. 29r,The Annunciation
cma-medieval-art: Rose Ryal, 1619-1620, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtMedium: goldcle
cma-medieval-art: Enthroned Virgin and Child, c. 1250, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: wi
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425): fol. 225r, Text, Master o
cma-medieval-art: Book of Hours (Use of Rouen): fol. 33v, Master of the Geneva Latini, c. 1470, Clev
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Queen Isabella the Catholic, Queen of Spain: Fol. 142v, Master of the Fir
cma-medieval-art: Altarpiece with The Passion of Christ, Master of the Schlägl Altarpiece, c. 1440s,
cma-medieval-art: Trigger Guard for a Pistol, c. 1680-1700, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSiz
cma-medieval-art: Book of Hours (Use of Rouen): fol. 94r, Master of the Geneva Latini, c. 1470, Clev
cma-medieval-art: Crossbow Bolt, 1500s-1600s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 37
cma-medieval-art: Sovereign, 1553, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtMedium: goldclevelan
cma-medieval-art: Partisan, c. 1550-1600, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 236.2
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425), fol. 293v, St. Yoon, Mast
cma-medieval-art: Sword, c. 1400, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 85.3 cm (33 9/
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Queen Isabella the Catholic, Queen of Spain: Fol. 126r, Master of the Fir
cma-medieval-art: Small Sword for a Boy, c. 1650-1680, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Ov
cma-medieval-art: Fol. 273r, Isaiah, historiated initial V, the martyrdom of Isaiah, c. 1275-1300, C
cma-medieval-art: Quatrilobed Plaque, Guillaume Julien, c. 1300-1310, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medie
cma-medieval-art: Corpus of Christ, c. 1150-1175, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall
cma-medieval-art: The Gotha Missal: Fol. 82v, The Trinity, Master of the Boqueteaux, c. 1375, Clevel
cma-medieval-art: Historiated Initial ® Excised from a Gradual: The Three Marys at the Tomb, c. 1200
cma-medieval-art: Crucifix with Scenes of the Passion, c. 1230-1240, Cleveland Museum of Art: Mediev
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from a Volume of Johannes Andrea’s “Lectura super arboris consanguinitatis et
cma-medieval-art: Filigree Disk Brooch with Central Boss, late 600s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Mediev
cma-medieval-art: Gothic Breastplate, c. 1540, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 3
cma-medieval-art: Two-Handed Sword, 1550, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe two-handed sword,
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from a Book of Hours: Adoration of the Magi (recto), c. 1510, Cleveland Museu
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425): fol.1r, St. John the Evag
cma-medieval-art: Fol. 361v, Habbakuk, historiated initial O, Habbakuk holding a basket and two ston
cma-medieval-art: Battle Axe, 1400, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 93.3 cm (36
cma-medieval-art: Demi-Chanfron, c. 1550, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe chanfron, head de
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Queen Isabella the Catholic, Queen of Spain: Fol. 14r, Master of the Firs
cma-medieval-art: Miniatures from a Manuscript of the Apocalypse, c. 1295, Cleveland Museum of Art:
cma-medieval-art: Dubnovellaunus Stater (obverse), c. 1-10 A.D., Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval A
cma-medieval-art: The Gotha Missal: Fol. 83r, Corpus Domini, Master of the Boqueteaux, c. 1375, Clev
cma-medieval-art: Ryal, 1464, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtMedium: goldclevelandart.
cma-medieval-art: Initial E from a Municipal Law Book: The Last Judgment, c. 1330, Cleveland Museum
cma-medieval-art: Pilgrim’s Flask, 500, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtAmpullae (small flasks)
cma-medieval-art: Celtic Head, 100, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis stone head has never b
cma-medieval-art: Belt for a Lady’s Dress, c. 1375-1400, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtBecaus
cma-medieval-art: Bifolia with Scenes from the Life of Christ, 1230, Cleveland Museum of Art: Mediev
cma-medieval-art: Panel, late 1400s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 6.8 x 16.9
cma-medieval-art: Printed Book of Hours (Use of Rome): fol. 58r, Pentecost, Guillaume Le Rouge, 1510
cma-medieval-art: Blood Reliquary, 1500, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 35.6 cm
cma-medieval-art: Missale: Fol. 7r: September Calendar Page, Bartolommeo Caporali, 1469, Cleveland M
cma-medieval-art: Ivory Plaque with Enthroned Mother of God (“The Stroganoff Ivory”), 950, Cleveland
cma-medieval-art: Capital, 700, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 33 x 33.7 x 33.7
cma-medieval-art: The Coronation of the Virgin with the Trinity, Master of Rubielos de Mora, c. 1400
cma-medieval-art: Relic of St. Gertrude, c. 1045, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtMedium: Plain
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425), fol. 303r, St. Apollonia,
cma-medieval-art: Guardian Griffin (pair), 1150, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtGriffins are f
cma-medieval-art: The Gotha Missal: Fol. 57r, Text, Master of the Boqueteaux, c. 1375, Cleveland Mus
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425), , fol. 274r, St. Stephen,
cma-medieval-art: Plaque from a Chasse for Relics of Saint Thomas Becket, Master G. Alpais, 1220, Cl
cma-medieval-art: Brooch in the Form of a Six-Pointed Star, late 700s-early 800s, Cleveland Museum o
cma-medieval-art: Missale: Fol. 181v: Music for various ordinary prayers, Bartolommeo Caporali, 1469
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from the Hours of Duke Louis of Savoy: Saints Nereus and Achilleus, mid-15th
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from a Book of Hours: Virgin and Child Enthroned, Guillaume Vrelant, c. 1470-
cma-medieval-art: Quatrilobed Plaque: The Annunciation, c. 1350-1400, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medie
cma-medieval-art: Five Guineas (reverse), 1716, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtMedium: goldhtt
cma-medieval-art: Pendant with the Virgin and Child, Godefroid de Huy, c. 1160-1170, Cleveland Museu
cma-medieval-art: Bust called Anne de Bretagne, c. 1500, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize:
cma-medieval-art: Child’s Sword, c 1780, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 73.7 cm
cma-medieval-art: Gradual, Girolamo dai Libri, c. 1520, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: C
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425): fol. 223r, Text, Master o
cma-medieval-art: Leaf Excised from Henry of Segusio’s “Summa Aurea”: Table of Consanguinity, c. 128
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425), , fol. 272v, St. Luke, Ma
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from a Psalter and Prayerbook: Ornamental Border with Flowers and Squirrel (v
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425), fol. 298v, St. Lucy, Mast
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Queen Isabella the Catholic, Queen of Spain: Fol. 149r, Master of the Fir
cma-medieval-art: Cutting from an Antiphonary: Initial A[spiciens a longe]: The Tree of Jesse, c. 11
cma-medieval-art: Christ in Majesty with the Virgin and St. John the Evangelist: Single Leaf from a
cma-medieval-art: The Gotha Missal: Fol. 27v, Text, Master of the Boqueteaux, c. 1375, Cleveland Mus
cma-medieval-art: Book of Hours (Use of Rouen): fol. 54v, Master of the Geneva Latini, c. 1470, Clev
cma-medieval-art: Book of Hours (Use of Rouen): fol. 15v, Master of the Geneva Latini, c. 1470, Clev
cma-medieval-art: Missale: Fol. 184: Foliage, Bartolommeo Caporali, 1469, Cleveland Museum of Art: M
cma-medieval-art: Angel from a Tomb, Tino di Camaino, 1330, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtTin
cma-medieval-art: Book of Hours (Use of Rouen): fol. 133r, Master of the Geneva Latini, c. 1470, Cle
cma-medieval-art: Single Leaf Excised from a Gradual and Sacramentary: Initial A[d te lavavi], c. 10
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Queen Isabella the Catholic, Queen of Spain: Fol. 214r, Master of the Fir
cma-medieval-art: Book of Hours (Use of Rouen): fol. 147v, Master of the Geneva Latini, c. 1470, Cle
cma-medieval-art: Triptych: The Life of the Virgin, c. 1325-1350, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval
cma-medieval-art: Casket, late 1300s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis casket is one of onl
cma-medieval-art: Leaf Excised from a Psalter: The Annunciation, c. 1260, Cleveland Museum of Art: M
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425): fol. 238r, Text, Master o
cma-medieval-art: The Gotha Missal: Fol. 142r, Text, Master of the Boqueteaux, c. 1375, Cleveland Mu
cma-medieval-art: Book of Hours (Use of Rouen): fol. 110r, Mass for the Dead in Initial, Master of t
cma-medieval-art: Quatrilobed Plaque: The Descent from the Cross, c. 1350-1400, Cleveland Museum of
cma-medieval-art: Plaque: The Crucifixion, c. 1345-1365, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis p
cma-medieval-art: Well Head, 700, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 66.7 x 77.5 x
cma-medieval-art: Disk Ornament, 500, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 4.5 cm (1
cma-medieval-art: The Gotha Missal: Fol. 60v, Text, Master of the Boqueteaux, c. 1375, Cleveland Mus
cma-medieval-art: The Gotha Missal: Fol. 46r, Text, Master of the Boqueteaux, c. 1375, Cleveland Mus
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Queen Isabella the Catholic, Queen of Spain: Fol. 128v, Master of the Fir
cma-medieval-art: Armor for Man and Horse with Völs-Colonna Arms, c. 1575, Cleveland Museum of Art:
cma-medieval-art: Curule (Folding) Chair, c. 1450-1500, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis is
cma-medieval-art: Chalice from the Beth Misona Treasure, c. 500-700, Cleveland Museum of Art: Mediev
cma-medieval-art: Architectural Canopy (pair), c. 1450-1475, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtPa
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425), fol. 285v, St. Martin, Ma
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Queen Isabella the Catholic, Queen of Spain: Fol. 1v, Arms and Mottoes of
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Queen Isabella the Catholic, Queen of Spain: Fol. 76r, Master of the Firs
cma-medieval-art: The Gotha Missal: Fol. 62v, Text, Master of the Boqueteaux, c. 1375, Cleveland Mus
cma-medieval-art: The Gotha Missal: Fol. 20r, Text, Master of the Boqueteaux, c. 1375, Cleveland Mus
cma-medieval-art: Missale: Fol. 25: Saint John with Eagle, Bartolommeo Caporali, 1469, Cleveland Mus
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425): fol. 267r, St. Bartholome
cma-medieval-art: The Gotha Missal: Fol. 118v, Text, Master of the Boqueteaux, c. 1375, Cleveland Mu
cma-medieval-art: Nomisma with Basil II Bulgarotonos and His Brother Constantine VIII (reverse), 977
cma-medieval-art: The Gotha Missal: Fol. 13v, Text, Master of the Boqueteaux, c. 1375, Cleveland Mus
cma-medieval-art: Book of Hours (Use of Rouen): fol. 150v, Master of the Geneva Latini, c. 1470, Cle
cma-medieval-art:Panel, late 1400s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 6.8 x 16.9 c
cma-medieval-art:Belt Buckle, c. 525-560, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe art of the Europe
cma-medieval-art:Casket, late 1300s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis casket is one of only
cma-medieval-art:Pendant with the Virgin and Child, Godefroid de Huy, c. 1160-1170, Cleveland Museum
cma-medieval-art:Missale: Fol. 181v: Music for various ordinary prayers, Bartolommeo Caporali, 1469,
skeleton-richard:cma-medieval-art:Twelve Medallions Mounted as a Necklace, c. 1400, Cleveland Museum
thecrankyprofessor:cma-medieval-art:Aureus (reverse), 47, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize:
cma-medieval-art:Child’s Sword, c 1780, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 73
thecrankyprofessor:cma-medieval-art:Aureus (reverse), 47, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize:
cma-medieval-art:Hours of Queen Isabella the Catholic, Queen of Spain: Fol. 25r, Master of the Firs
cma-medieval-art:Belt Buckle, c. 525-560, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe art of the Europe
cma-medieval-art:Missale: Fol. 181v: Music for various ordinary prayers, Bartolommeo Caporali, 1469,
cma-medieval-art: Historiated Initial ® Excised from a Gradual: The Three Marys at the Tomb, c.
cma-medieval-art:Armor for Man and Horse with Völs-Colonna Arms, c. 1575, Cleveland Museum of A
cma-medieval-art:Lamp, late 300s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtNumerous oil lamps of various
cma-medieval-art:Earring with Openwork, 600-800, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall:
cma-medieval-art:Leaf from a Book of Hours: Initial D, c. 1400, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Ar
cma-medieval-art:Breastplate, 0, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis breastplate, lacking its
cma-medieval-art: Stiletto with Grip Fashioned as Figures of Charity, Justice, and Hope, c. 1650, Cl
cma-medieval-art: Small Sword, c. 1650-1660, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 92.
cma-medieval-art: Cup-Hilted Rapier, c.1610- 30, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe rapier was
cma-medieval-art: Five Guineas (reverse), 1691, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtMedium: goldhtt
cma-medieval-art:Leaf from a Psalter with Full Border with Medallions (Annunciation, SS. Jerome, Cla
cma-medieval-art:Parrying Dagger, c. 1580-1610, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe perforation
cma-medieval-art: Noble (obverse), 1351, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Medium: goldc
cma-medieval-art: Ryal (reverse), 1583, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Medium: goldcl
cma-medieval-art: Half Pound (reverse), 1558, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Medium: goldhttp
cma-medieval-art: Angel (obverse), 1553, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Medium: goldc
cma-medieval-art: Five Guineas, 1731, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Medium: goldclev
cma-medieval-art: Sovereign (reverse), 1553, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Medium: goldhttps
cma-medieval-art: Laurel (reverse), 1619, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Medium: gold
cma-medieval-art: Five Pounds (reverse), Benedetto Pistrucci, 1887, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieva
cma-medieval-art: Warrior Fighting a Dragon, c. 1170-1180, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Thi
cma-medieval-art: Leaf Excised from a Psalter: The Ascension, c. 1260, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medi
cma-medieval-art: Two Guineas, 1687, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Medium: goldcleve
cma-medieval-art: Sovereign (reverse), 1526, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Medium: goldhttps
cma-medieval-art:Schiavona Broadsword, early 1700s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overa
cma-medieval-art:Two-Handed Sword, 1550-1600, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe two-handed sw
cma-medieval-art: Sovereign (obverse), Benedetto Pistrucci, 1817, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval
cma-medieval-art: Solidus with Tiberius III Apsimarus (obverse), 698-705, Cleveland Museum of Art: M
cma-medieval-art: Five Pounds (obverse), Joseph Boehm, 1887, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art M
cma-medieval-art: Book of Hours (Use of Rouen): fol. 2v, Master of the Geneva Latini, c. 1470, Cleve
cma-medieval-art: Leaf Excised from a Psalter: Flight Into Egypt, c. 1260, Cleveland Museum of Art:
cma-medieval-art: Rapier, c. 1610, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe rapier was a sword worn
cma-medieval-art: Mouton d'Or of King Jean le Bon of France, 1350-1364, 1350-1364, Cleveland Museum
cma-medieval-art: Five Guineas (reverse), 1746, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Medium: goldht
cma-medieval-art: Cutting from an Antiphonary: Initial G[loria tibi Trinitas]: The Trinity, c. 1410,
cma-medieval-art: Halfcrown, 1560, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Medium: goldclevela
cma-medieval-art: Sovereign, 1526, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Medium: goldclevela
cma-medieval-art:Cup-Hilted Rapier, c. 1650, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 122
cma-medieval-art: Peter of Poitier’s “Compendium Historiae in Genealogia Christi” (pair), c. 1220, C
cma-medieval-art: Rose Ryal, 1619-1620, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtMedium: goldcle
cma-medieval-art: Five Pounds [pattern], 1826, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Medium: goldhtt
cma-medieval-art: Plaque from a Chasse for Relics of Saint Thomas Becket, Master G. Alpais, 1220-122
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425): fol. 79r, Text, Master of
cma-medieval-art: Triple Unite (reverse), 1643, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Medium: goldht
cma-medieval-art:Casket, late 1300s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis casket is one of only
cma-medieval-art:Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425): fol. 182r, Text, Master of
cma-medieval-art:Albarello with Two Rabbits, 1300s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis albare
cma-medieval-art:Albarello with Two Rabbits, 1300s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis albare
cma-medieval-art:Harness Pendant, 1200, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtProbably a pendant (han
cma-medieval-art:Quatrilobed Plaque: The Annunciation, c. 1350-1400, Cleveland Museum of Art: Mediev
cma-medieval-art:Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425): fol. 182r, Text, Master of
cma-medieval-art:Earring (one of a pair), 600, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 1
cma-medieval-art:Albarello with Two Rabbits, 1300s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis albare
cma-medieval-art:Well Head, 700, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 66.7 x 77.5 x 7
cma-medieval-art:Medallion from the Border of a Latin Bible: The Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Para
cma-medieval-art:Quatrilobed Plaque: The Annunciation, c. 1350-1400, Cleveland Museum of Art: Mediev
cma-medieval-art:Noble (obverse), 1351, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtMedium: goldcle
cma-medieval-art:Sovereign, 1553, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtMedium: goldcleveland
cma-medieval-art: Scyphate Histamenon of Constantine X (obverse), 1059, Cleveland Museum of Art: Med
cma-medieval-art: Armor for Man and Horse with Völs-Colonna Arms, c. 1575, Cleveland Museum of
cma-medieval-art: Harness Pendant, 1200, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtProbably a pendant (ha
cma-medieval-art: Earring (one of a pair), 600, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Size: Overall:
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from a Volume of Johannes Andrea’s “Lectura super arboris consang
cma-medieval-art: Albarello with Two Rabbits, 1300s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art This alba
thecrankyprofessor: cma-medieval-art: Aureus (reverse), 47, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Si
cma-medieval-art: Crucifix with Scenes of the Passion, c. 1230-1240, Cleveland Museum of Art: Mediev
cma-medieval-art: Belt Buckle, c. 525-560, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art The art of the Euro
cma-medieval-art: Book of Hours (Use of Rouen): fol. 2v, Master of the Geneva Latini, c. 1470, Cleve
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from a Book of Hours: Initial D, c. 1400, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval A
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from a Volume of Johannes Andrea’s “Lectura super arboris consang
cma-medieval-art: Armor for Man and Horse with Völs-Colonna Arms, c. 1575, Cleveland Museum of
cma-medieval-art: Book of Hours (Use of Rouen): fol. 1r, Elaborate Foliated Border, Master of the Ge
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from a Volume of Johannes Andrea’s “Lectura super arboris consang
cma-medieval-art: Panel, mid 1200s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 62.3 x 74.3
thecrankyprofessor: cma-medieval-art: Aureus (reverse), 47, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Si
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from a Volume of Johannes Andrea’s “Lectura super arboris consang
cma-medieval-art: Earring (one of a pair), 600, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Size: Overall:
cma-medieval-art: Armor for Man and Horse with Völs-Colonna Arms, c. 1575, Cleveland Museum of
cma-medieval-art: Albarello with Two Rabbits, 1300s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art This alba
cma-medieval-art: Albarello with Two Rabbits, 1300s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art This alba
cma-medieval-art: Noble (obverse), 1351, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtMedium: goldcl
cma-medieval-art: Reliquary in Purse Form, c. 1320, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis precio
cma-medieval-art: Historiated Initial Excised from a Bible (set of nine), 1200, Cleveland Museum of
cma-medieval-art: Illumination Excised from a Choir Book: Two Female Saints, Niccolo di ser Sozzo Te
cma-medieval-art: Virgin and Child, 1400, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Framed: 63.5 x
cma-medieval-art: Leaf from Gratian’s Decretum: Table of Consanguinity, c. 1270-1300, Clevelan
cma-medieval-art: Leaves from Gratian’s Decretum: Table of Affinity and Table of Consanguinity
cma-medieval-art:Quatrilobed Plaque: The Descent from the Cross, c. 1350-1400, Cleveland Museum of A
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425): fol. 182r, Text, Master o
cma-medieval-art: Rapier, c. 1630-1650, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThe rapier was a sword
skeleton-richard: cma-medieval-art: Twelve Medallions Mounted as a Necklace, c. 1400, Cleveland Muse
cma-medieval-art: Witmen Tremissis (obverse), early 600s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtMediu
cma-medieval-art: Reliquary, 1200, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 36 x 17.8 cm
skeleton-richard: cma-medieval-art: Twelve Medallions Mounted as a Necklace, c. 1400, Cleveland Muse
cma-medieval-art: Lamp, late 300s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtNumerous oil lamps of variou
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Charles the Noble, King of Navarre (1361-1425): fol. 267r, St. Bartholome
cma-medieval-art: Initial E from a Municipal Law Book: The Last Judgment, c. 1330, Cleveland Museum
cma-medieval-art: Hours of Queen Isabella the Catholic, Queen of Spain: Fol. 233r, Master of the Fir
cma-medieval-art: Armor for Man and Horse with Völs-Colonna Arms, c. 1575, Cleveland Museum of
cma-medieval-art: Leaf Excised from a Psalter: The Annunciation, c. 1325-1350, Cleveland Museum of A
cma-medieval-art: Earring (one of a pair), 600, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art Size: Overall:
cma-medieval-art: Earring (one of a pair), 600, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall:
cma-medieval-art: Nomisma with Basil II Bulgarotonos and His Brother Constantine VIII (reverse), 977
cma-medieval-art: Sovereign (reverse), 1504-1509, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtMedium: goldh
cma-medieval-art: Rapier, c. 1630-1650, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art The rapier was a sword
cma-medieval-art: Albarello with Two Rabbits, 1300s, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval Art This alba
cma-medieval-art: Celtic Head, 100, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtThis stone head has never b
cma-medieval-art: Panel, c.1200-1225, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall: 34.3 x 86.
cma-medieval-art: Earring (one of a pair), 600, Cleveland Museum of Art: Medieval ArtSize: Overall:
cma-medieval-art: Leaf Excised from a Psalter: The Annunciation, c. 1325-1350, Cleveland Museum of A
cma-medieval-art: The Gotha Missal: Fol. 64r, Christ in Majesty, Master of the Boqueteaux, c. 1375,
cma-medieval-art: The “Spitzer Cross”, Master of the Royal Plantagenet Workshop, c. 1190
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