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signorformica:Old Matchbox Labels Japan Cat Bibliothèque...
signorformica:The legs of the god Vishnu depict the realms of...
signorformica:Das Apokalyptische Weib. Matthias Gerung ~...
signorformica:Jahannam (Arabic: جهنم, etymologically related...
signorformica:Κέρβερος, Cerberus, the multi-headed dog tha
signorformica:Tower of Babel. Franz Stieberich (active in...
signorformica:Angel Sounding the Trumpet on the Day of the Last...
signorformica:Bless me, dark father.Unknown. Via bleibruhig on...
signorformica:Der Ornamentenschatz; ein Musterbuch stilvoller...
signorformica:Special evening session at Bibliothèque...
signorformica:Folio from the Hamzanama. Mughal Empire ~...
signorformica:The monk Phra Malai visits the Underworld....
signorformica:Stupid damned souls protest in vain and try to...
signorformica:Cornelis Galle ~ ca.1590 Rijksmuseum...
hit-by-nine-ambulances:signorformica:Stupid damned souls...
signorformica:Ethiopian, Illuminated Manuscript, 18th...
signorformica:Giotto. Diavoli di Arezzo (detail) ~ 1306...
signorformica:Albrecht Dürer, detail of larger engraving...
signorformica:Detail of a miniature of Nero —the last Roman...
guidancerune:signorformica:Stupid damned souls protest in...
signorformica:Chinnamastā, the self-decapitated goddess. The...
signorformica:“And saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having...
signorformica:Library of the doomed (III) ~ Les Fleurs du...
nau-see:signorformica:Stupid damned souls protest in vain...
signorformica:The Whore of Babylon, from the Valcavado Beatus...
signorformica:Mesopotamian clay relief (detail), known as the...
signorformica:Bhadrakālī (literally: Good Kaali), Hindu goddess...
signorformica:The Peck Shahnamah, a Persian illuminated...
sathinfection:signorformica:A demon flattening someone out...
signorformica:Some covers of “The Blind Owl”, novelette by...
signorformica:Bhadrakālī (literally: Good Kaali), Hindu...
reeve-of-caerwyn:signorformica:Stupid damned souls protest...
signorformica:The Fall of Satan (1866). Gustave Doré’s...
signorformica:Io Pan! Io Pan! / I am awake /In the grip of the...
signorformica:Lucifero having a solid breakfast. Woodcut for...
signorformica:Monkey (Son Gokû) and Bajie (Cho Hakkai) fight...
signorformica:Tabla de san Miguel Mestre de Soriguerola. 13th...
signorformica:Time Reveals the Truth (detail). Theodor van...
signorformica:Judith beheading Holofernes (detail)....
signorformica:Muroidea Rat Tarot, by Lucas ‘Midio’ Roble,...
signorformica:Apep or Apophis, an ancient Egyptian demon in the...
redscharlach:signorformica:Stupid damned souls protest in...
signorformica:Grande-Bretagne,Wimbledon. Detail of a mural...
signorformica:William Blake. A Squatted Devil with Young...
signorformica:The Garden of Earthly Delights. Central panel ~...
signorformica:An angel chains the demon of lust. Jan Steen ~...
signorformica:The Bible Moralisée of Naples ~ ca.1350...
signorformica:Detail of the Roman Sonnengott und...
signorformica:The kiss of Judas. Brother Philipp...
signorformica:Unknown German book. Bibliothèque Infernale on...
signorformica:Oskar Herzberg, ohne Titel. 1914 / via The Museum...
signorformica:Six Tuscan Poets. Giorgio Vasari ~ 1580 (copy...
signorformica:Augsburg Book of Miraculous Signs, a luxuriously...
signorformica:Beatus de Liébana. [In Apocalipsin]. España ~...
signorformica:Io Pan! Io Pan! / I am awake /In the grip of...
signorformica:Head of Medusa: attr. to Leonardo da Vinci for a...
signorformica:Adam, Eve and the eternal friend. Netherlands ~...
signorformica:A disgusting city, this Berlin, a place where no...
rosswoodpark:guidancerune:signorformica:Stupid damned...
signorformica:Head of Medusa: attr. to Leonardo da Vinci for...
signorformica: How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,...
signorformica:A Cabinet of Natural Curiosities by Albertus Seba....
signorformica:Ravi Zupa Bibliothèque Infernale on FB
signorformica:13th century Byzantine manuscript - Barb.gr.372....
signorformica:Fall of Satan. Duke Albrecht’s Table of Christian...
signorformica:Merab Abramishvili, Georgian painter...
signorformica:Death playing the violin. Frans Francken II....
signorformica:A psychedelic detail of Jacobello Alberegno’s...
signorformica:Detail of the ruthless punishments of hell for...
signorformica:Theseus and the Minotaur in the Labyrinth. Edward...
ttorturingnurse:signorformica:Stupid damned souls protest...
signorformica:Jean Corbechon, Livre des propriétés des choses....
signorformica:Kālī, nemesis and annihilator of the evil forces...
signorformica:Bhairava (Sanskrit: भैरव, lit. frightful),...
signorformica:Jacob de Backer. The Last Judgment (detail) ~...
signorformica:James Ensor. Skeletons fighting for the body...
signorformica:Saint Christopher carrying the Christ Child...
signorformica:First costume. William Orpen...
signorformica:Fernando Botero. Night (detail) ~...
signorformica:The Psychedelic Visions of the Knight Tondal...
signorformica:Andrea sacchi, allegoria della divina sapienza...
signorformica:Kali tramples on Shiva. Jaipur, India ~...
signorformica:La Nymphette et le Satyre. France. Late...
signorformica:Theseus and the Minotaur in the Labyrinth....
signorformica:Dante and Virgile in Hell (detail). William...
signorformica:Devil. Manuel Ocampo (born 1965), Filipino...
dothywill93:signorformica:David Cambell, The Whore of...
signorformica:Do not fear your dragon. Les Grandes Heures d'Anne...
signorformica:Party in the Third Circle of Hell: a legion of...
signorformica:Book of Hours. Flanders ~ ca.1520 Fitz...
signorformica:Dancer dionysiac fresco figurine. Villa dei...
signorformica:There Will Be Blood. Illumination for Divina...
signorformica:The Seven Deadly Sins (½). Jacques Callot ~...
signorformica:Jugend Magazine, München ~ 1896Bibliothèque...
signorformica:A kappa (河童, river child), or yōkai demon in...
signorformica:The pride of the job done perfectly right: the...
signorformica:Onoe Shoroku as a ghost. Utagawa Toyokuni I ~...
signorformica:Judith with the head of Holofernes. Lucas...
signorformica:Judith beheading Holofernes (detail). Caravaggio,...
signorformica:Escorial Beatus. Commentarium in Apocalypsin ~...
signorformica:Rama shoots a demon. Indian, Rajasthani ~...
signorformica:The personification of Mother Nature forges...
signorformica:The Sun Plate 1, -from Electro-astronomical atlas....
signorformica:Thomas Theodor Heine. Illustration to Knut...
signorformica:The Horsemen of the Apocalypse —Pestilence, War,...
signorformica:Robert Blondel, Des douze Perilz d'enfer....
signorformica:Citipati, protector deity in Tibetan Buddhism...
signorformica:Illustrations from From Life and Death or The...
signorformica:Black Death, elegant & stylish beyond any...
signorformica:Hieronymus Bosch. The Adoration of the Magi. Met...
signorformica:Devil’s mask depicting leprosy ~ 14th century....
signorformica:Bibliothèque Infernale on FB
signorformica:And here’s why the Nephilim, the fallen angels...
signorformica:The first and most exquisite masquerade: a very...
signorformica:A Leopard Drawn from Life. Utagawa Kunimaro....
signorformica:Codex Laud, a pictorial manuscript consisting...
signorformica:Sarah Goodridge. Beauty Revealed. The...
signorformica:Pompeii wall fresco of a female head ~ 1st...
signorformica:Last Judgement detail. Lucas Cranach the...
signorformica:The Skeleton Painter. James Ensor ~...
signorformica:The Codex Borbonicus, Aztec codex written by...
signorformica:The Dancer’s reward. A portfolio of Aubrey...
signorformica:Mughal, India ~ 19th c. Wellcome Library...
signorformica:Jugend Magazine. 26. November ~...
signorformica:Bats and vampire symbols in Père Lachaise...
signorformica:Futakuchi Onna. Yuko Shimzu. Bibliothèque...
signorformica:Babylon’s Ishtar Gate in Istanbul(ca.525...
signorformica:Amulet of Pazuzu, in Assyrian and Babylonian...
signorformica:Depictionof Anzû –also known as Imdugud in...
signorformica:Consultation with a witch. Roman mosaic from the...
signorformica:Folio from the Italian Notebook. Goya ~...
signorformica:The Illuminated Apocalypse of Lyon ~ ca.1450...
signorformica:Claude Verlinde
danskjavlarna:signorformica:Death. Delarue Franc tarot cards,...
signorformica:The Master and Margarita. Mikhail Bulgakov....
signorformica:Ghostly Jewish illumination depicting the...
signorformica:Japanese Hell Scroll ~ 12th c. Nara National...
signorformica:Panlong 蟠龍; lit. “coiled dragon”: in Chinese...
signorformica:Fūjin (風神), Japanese god of the wind and one...
signorformica:Philip Haas, The Great Judge (after Ensor) ~...
signorformica:José Guadalupe Posada (Aguascalientes, 1852 -...
signorformica:“¡Te lo manda el patrón!”Death of Pablo Escobar....
signorformica:Codex Manesse. Jakob von Warte ~ 14th...
signorformica:’The Pale Horse’ from the portfolio ‘Images of...
signorformica:Squelette arrêtant masques. James Ensor ~...
signorformica:Viktor Vasnetsov. Judgement Day ~...
signorformica:A woman resurrects from the dead. Sforza Hours....
signorformica:‘Aurora Consurgens’ ~ ca.1420. Zurich...
signorformica:Das große Jüngste Gericht, detail. Peter Paul...
signorformica:Tin Can Forest, aka Pat Shewchuk and Marek...
signorformica:Mughal, India, 19th c. Wellcome Library...
signorformica:The Haywain Triptych. Detail of the Fall of the...
signorformica:“Truly man is the king of beasts, for his...
signorformica:Bugaku Zu. Japanese Imperial Court Dance. Kyoto...
signorformica:Sangrahanisutra, India. Manuscript page. 18th...
signorformica:Galgenbild (Begräbnis) [Gallows-Burial]. Felix...
buttkrieg:signorformica:Detail of the ruthless punishments...
signorformica:War Elephant. Anonymous follower of Hieronymus...
signorformica:Scenes of the Apocalypse and the End of Times,...
signorformica:Jonas und der Wal. Augsburger Wunderzeichenbuch...
signorformica:Altar of Apocalypse, Master Bertram of Hamburg ~...
signorformica:Anzû, Sumerian and Akkadian deity, half god half...
signorformica:Demon ~ ca.1880 Musée des Arts Decoratifs,...
signorformica:Altar of Apocalypse, Master Bertram of Hamburg...
signorformica:El hechizado por la fuerza (The bewitched...
signorformica:Utriusque cosmi maioris scilicet et minoris...
signorformica:Vajrapāṇi, one of the three bodhisattvas in...
signorformica:Depiction of the witch Mother Shipton invoking...
signorformica:Trois femmes et trois loups. Eugène Grasset ~...
signorformica:Allegory of hell as one of the last four things....
signorformica:Plague, Arnold Böcklin ~ 1898 Kunstmuseum...
signorformica:Vuelo de Brujas (Witches’ Flight). Goya ~...
signorformica:Japanese demon. Yoshio Honda via causa.cibum on...
signorformica:Illustration of Al-Burāq (البُراق : lightning)...
signorformica:A demon flattening someone out and preparing to...
signorformica:Romain de Tirtoff (1892–1990), aka...
signorformica:David slays Golyath —גָּלְיַת -goljath «the one...
signorformica:Death and the Miser (detail). Hieronymus Bosch ~...
signorformica:Arya Achala, Tibet ~ ca.1100 AD Rubin Museum of...
signorformica:Aizen Myoo Daiitoku Myoo, Japan ~ 18th...
signorformica:Painted terracotta antefix depicting the...
signorformica:Divina Commedia ~ 15th century. Biblioteca...
signorformica:15th century Doom painting located at North...
signorformica:A fragment of a fresco in the Rila Monastery....
signorformica:Der Höllensturz, Erzengel Michael im Kampf mit...
signorformica:Camille Chew, illustrator based in Ithaca NY...
signorformica:Yaksa form of Vajrapani, one of the...
signorformica:Saint Michael Vanquishing Satan. Gustave Moreau...
signorformica:Heksenbijeenkomst —coven, or aquelarre. Frans...
signorformica:Boucicaut Master. Paris ~ ca.1413; Getty...
signorformica:La pena della ruota dentata. Giudizio universale....
signorformica:Three black women worshiping a snake. Voodoo...
signorformica:Final Judgement. Bicci di Lorenzo. Basilica di San...
signorformica:Hell Scrolls. Japan ~ 1855 Waseda...
signorformica:Final Judgement detail. Martin de Vos ~ 1570...
signorformica:“For God’s sake!—quick!—quick!—put me to...
signorformica:Maestro di Castelsardo, San Michele Arcangelo ~...
signorformica:Tarocco Piemontese or Tarot of Piedmont. First...
signorformica:Satsuki, from the series Junigatsu no uchi....
signorformica:Felix Nussbaum (Osnabrück, 1894 –...
signorformica:Chimère postcard Notre Dame Paris ~...
signorformica:Hell. Anonymous Portuguese ~ 15th c. National...
signorformica:Dieric Bouts. Martyrdom of St Hippolyte....
signorformica:Compendium rarissimum totius Artis Magicae...
signorformica:St Anthony tormented by demons, Upper Rhine ~...
signorformica:Inugami (犬神, a dog-spirit) from the Hyakkai...
signorformica:Traité de la Charité Chréstienne. Paris ~...
signorformica:Apocalypse flamande ~ ca.1400; Bibliothèque...
signorformica:Witches’ Kitchen. Frans Francken II. Flanders...
signorformica:‘Today me · Tomorrow thee’. Memento Mori ring,...
signorformica:Coven. Salvator Rosa ~ 1646 - Bibliothèque...
signorformica:Paradise Lost, Gustave Doré ~...
signorformica:Johannis Faustii Magia Naturalis et Innaturalis ~...
signorformica:Last Judgement detail. Fra angelico ~ ca.1431...
signorformica:Final Judgement. Raphael Coxcie ~ ca.1589 Ghent...
signorformica:England ~ 15th century. British...
signorformica:Chinese Lion embroidery in silk and gold thread on...
signorformica:Vlad Țepeș woodcut. Germany ~...
signorformica:Sammelhandschrift ~ 1475 Österreichische...
signorformica:Saul and the Witch of Endor (detail), Jacob...
signorformica:XVI: The Tower. Tarot de...
signorformica:The Last Judgement and the Seven Deadly Sins...
signorformica:Just another snapshotof the typical kindness of...
signorformica:Aquarelle von Säugetieren, Vögeln, Insekten und...
signorformica:Witches’ Kitchen. Frans Francken II. Flanders ~...
signorformica:Binding of Satan and the Judges. Apocalypse...
signorformica:Fūjin (風神), Japanese god of the wind and one of...
signorformica:Rudra, Indo-Aryan deity: ‘the roarer’,...
signorformica:Kitty devouring his sons, after Goya. Carlos...
signorformica:Faun Musician no. 4. Picasso ~...
signorformica:Book of Durrow. 7th-8th century. Ireland or...
signorformica:Hell, fresco. Giovanni Mauro della Rovere known...
signorformica:“IT was well said of a certain German book that...
signorformica:Pharaoh Ramses II’s Egyptian passport, issued in...
signorformica:Ravi Zupa. Bibliothèque Infernale on FB
signorformica:Hell, fresco. Giovanni Mauro della Rovere...
signorformica:Detail of the demoniacal, eerie visions of St....
signorformica:A demon carrying off a child promised to...
signorformica:“If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to...
signorformica:Satsuki, from the series Junigatsu no uchi. Edo....
signorformica:Nekomata (猫また), a kind of cat yōkai told about...
signorformica: Charlie. Ink on bristol. 9x12. By Carlo...
signorformica:Pieter Pourbus. The Last Judgement (detail) ~...
signorformica:A very gentle little demon, probably more than...
signorformica:Nasser Oveisi (1934-): Iranian painter, follower...
signorformica:“Please take a seat, Mr. Lee. We Chinese have...
supportsaber:signorformica:Pharaoh Ramses II’s Egyptian...
signorformica:Il superbo e l'arpia —the haughty man and the...
captain-cargoshorts:signorformica:Pharaoh Ramses II’s...
missanthropicprinciple:signorformica:Pharaoh Ramses II’s...
milk-and-meat:signorformica:The Whore of Babylon, from the...
signorformica:Neri di Bicci (Florence, 1419–1491): The fall of...
rain-gem:signorformica:Pharaoh Ramses II’s Egyptian passport,...
hamelin-born:signorformica:Pharaoh Ramses II’s Egyptian...
sunreon:signorformica:Pharaoh Ramses II’s Egyptian passport,...
signorformica:Leonaert Bramer - Dives, tormented by demons in...
rain-gem:signorformica:Pharaoh Ramses II’s Egyptian...
signorformica:Illustrations of Prophecy. David Cambell ~...
signorformica:Biblia de Alba, España ~ 1430 Bibliothèque...
signorformica:Korbacher Franziskaner (Christ in Limbo,...
signorformica:Roland Topor’s Les Masochistes ~ 1960...
signorformica:Before the widely acclaimed ‘Les Demoiselles...
louisovermyknee:signorformica:Pharaoh Ramses II’s Egyptian...
signorformica:Saint-Sever Beatus. Commentarium in Apocalypsin...
signorformica:Divina Commedia: Inferno. Gustave Doré ~...
signorformica:Harvard College Library - Harvard-Yenching...
signorformica:Clavis Inferni sive magiaalba et nigra...
signorformica:Johannes Arderne, Practica medicinalis. England....
signorformica:And another superb Jugend cover, this one from...
signorformica:Nekomata the cat yōkai —ghost, demon—, plays your...
signorformica:Hindu goddess Kālī, aka Kālikā, «the black...
signorformica:Cain trying to talk some sense into his...
signorformica:Rey de Reyes. From Life and Death or The...
manuvers:signorformica:Pharaoh Ramses II’s Egyptian passport,...
signorformica:Roman fresco from the Cubiculum 43 in the House...
signorformica:Fall of the Rebel Angels detail. Pieter Bruegel...
signorformica:Ladies Bathe in a Rocky Pool. India, Awadh, late...
manuvers:signorformica:Pharaoh Ramses II’s Egyptian...
signorformica:It’s never too late to back out, girls!The...
signorformica:Metaliʿü'l-saadet ve yenabiʿü-l-siyadetSeyyid....
signorformica:Tableau des serpents. Kitab al-Diryaq. Jazirah,...
signorformica:The Last Judgement. Biblia Pauperum ~15th...
signorformica:“Christ’s Entry Into Brussels in 1889” by...
signorformica:Mandala (Sanskrit मण्डल, maṇḍala – literally:...
signorformica:The Terrible Adventures of Scholastica....
signorformica:Temptation of St. Anthony by Flaubert. Mahlon...
signorformica:Histoire de Satan. M. l’abbé Lecanu. Paris,...
signorformica:Hell. From Japanese Art Complete Works (2015,...
signorformica:Satan’s playroomJust game night at Calista...
signorformica:Last Judgement detail. Anonymous French...
signorformica:The Ya-Te-Veo, or Carnivorous Plant. 19th...
signorformica:Les Triomphes. Maître des Triomphes de...
signorformica:A giant penis copulating with a female devil....
signorformica:Alejandro Xul Solar Tarot cards. Bibliothèque...
signorformica:The corpse of the Spanish clergyman Vincent of...
signorformica:That’s all folks. Have a nice weekend and...
signorformica:Woman, Serpent, Moon. via...
signorformica:To whom it may concern. Bibliothèque Infernale...
signorformica:The Insect God. Edward Gorey ~ 1986 Fine Arts...
signorformica:The Israelite Judith being dressed by her maid,...
signorformica:Martyrdom of St. Bartholomew, from Hungarian...
signorformica:Cerbère. Jean Francois de Boever (b.1872)•...
signorformica:Last Judgement Triptych detail. Hieronymus Bosch...
signorformica:Anzû –also known as Imdugud in Sumer: 3500 BC by...
signorformica:Waldgespenst. Alfred Kubin ~...
signorformica:The archangel Michael driving Lucifer and his...
signorformica:Angel with triple wings and a white leopard’s...
signorformica:Don Giovanni dragged into hell. Pietro Bini ~...
signorformica:Old Matchbox Labels Japan Cat Bibliothèque...
signorformica:Magzor Gyalmo, the Queen Who Repels Armies ~...
signorformica:ゴジラ attacks! Linocut Kaiju Series printed on...
signorformica:Kuolema ja kukka — Death and the Flower. Akseli...
signorformica:Babylon’s Ishtar Gate in Istanbul(ca.525...
signorformica:Depictionof Anzû –also known as Imdugud in...
signorformica:The Rich Man being led to Hell, David Teniers...
signorformica:Saint Michael defeating Satan, detail. Carlo...
signorformica:Detail of The Fall of the Damned. Dieric Bouts ~...
signorformica:Playing with Ouiji. Margaryta Yermolayeva• via...
randomencounters:signorformica:Scenes from the life of Saint...
signorformica:Max Ernst. Une semaine de bonté ou les sept...
signorformica:Omnia Andreae Alciati cum commentariis, &...
signorformica:Miniature of a winged queen offering a crimson...
signorformica:St Anthony, as usual, having a good time with...
signorformica:Augsburg Book of Miraculous Signs announcing...
signorformica:Apocalypse with commentary, Paris ~ ca.1415 NY,...
signorformica:The Death of Cleopatra, detail. Cesare Dandini...
signorformica:Depiction of the Israelite prophet Isaiah being...
signorformica:Sadness, suffering, uneasiness, desolation: the...
signorformica:Retaule del Judici Final (detall), Mestre dels...
signorformica:Doomsday. Jan van Eyck ~ 1430 Metropolitan...
signorformica:Somme le Roi. Brussels ~ ca.1415 Bibliothèque...
signorformica:Dragon Head. Mayumi Oda ~ 2008• via...
signorformica:Ravi Zupa: Cats matchboxes & prints . A...
signorformica:‘Eins is Not!’. Sascha Schneider ~ ca.1894 Thanx...
signorformica:Detail of Medusa. Caravaggio ~ ca.1595 Uffizi...
signorformica:18th-century engraving depicting the Beast of...
signorformica:The Three Dead. Breviary, Rouen. Besançon,...
signorformica:Bruno Borges, aka Penabranca. Brazilian artist•...
signorformica:Cité de Dieu. Maître de Guillebert de Mets....
signorformica:Tamatori chased by a giant octopus. Detail of...
signorformica:Nightmare (from „Blicke in die Traum-und...
signorformica:Chroniques universelles. Français 64 ~ 15th...
signorformica:The Triumph of Death (detail) Pieter Bruegel...
signorformica:Une Martyre. Watercolour by André Devambez...
signorformica:The Raven of Karlštejn. Mikoláš Aleš ~ 1882;...
signorformica:Stone statues of Mesopotamian winged bulls:...
signorformica:The Kingdom of Sorceress Circe. Angelo Caroselli...
signorformica:Hell, Punishment of the lustful. Le Kalendrier...
signorformica:Squelette regardant des chinoiseries. James...
signorformica:XIII: Death (La Mort, or card with no name)....
signorformica:A group of kittens dancing and making the...
signorformica:The Whore of Babylon and her favourite mate, the...
signorformica:Animas. Mexican folk retablo ~ 19th...
signorformica:William Blake, Milton a Poem ~ ca.1818 Rare Books...
signorformica:Vastra-Haran, or Celestial Stripping (detail)....
signorformica:Gargoyle-Chimère Notre-Dame Paris postcard ~...
signorformica:La Femme Chauve-Souris (detail). Albert Joseph...
signorformica:The quintessence of Gothic Art during the Holy...
signorformica:Inferno. Anonymous Portuguese ~ 15th century....
signorformica:Head of Medusa (detail). Rubens ~ ca.1617...
signorformica:Dance of Death, woodcut series: Death and the...
amarguerite:signorformica:Misionero comido por tigre...
signorformica:Egyptian statue of the female cat deity Bastet....
signorformica:Untitled / Expulsion from the Garden (2000). Fred...
signorformica:The Queen of the Night reconstruction —by...
signorformica:Detail of The Last Judgement. Frans Floris ~ 1565...
signorformica:Ánimas in Purgatorium. Mexican folk retablo ~ 19th...
signorformica:Female Centaur and Satyr. Judge magazine ~...
signorformica:Damnatio ad bestias. Third-century AD Roman mosaic...
signorformica:Devil’s Sabbath. James Ensor 1887 MoMA •...
signorformica:Seppuku. Woodblock print by Kawanabe Kyosai...
signorformica:Goddess Sekhmet, from the wall of Kom Ombo,...
signorformica:Cover of a 1947 edition of Les Fleurs du mal...
signorformica:Il suicidio di Cleopatra. Guido Cagnacci ~...
signorformica:Entierro de la Sardina (detail). Francisco de Goya...
signorformica:Cannibal feast of the Carib Indians (detail),...
signorformica:The Twelfth Sign of the End of Times: the...
shiroinuwanko:signorformica:A kitten walking a samurai. From...
signorformica:Yakuza cats by Kazuaki Horitomo Kitamura (born...
signorformica:Anzû —known as Imdugud in Sumer: 3500 BC in the...
signorformica:A Ritual de lo Habitual Cabinet of Curiosities•...
signorformica:Scenes of the Witches’ Sabbath• via Bibliothèque...
signorformica:War in heaven. Gustave Doré, illustration for...
signorformica:Pharaoh Ramses II’s Egyptian passport, issued in...
signorformica:Detail of Lucifer. Pedro García de Benabarre....
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